Mastering the `cat` Command in Linux: A Complete Guide

Mastering the cat Command in Linux: A Complete Guide

The cat command, short for concatenate, is one of the most basic and widely used Linux commands. Despite its simplicity, it is an incredibly powerful tool for working with text files. Whether you’re displaying file contents, merging files, or creating new ones, understanding cat will boost your productivity in the Linux terminal.

In this post, we’ll explore the functionality of the cat command with practical examples to help you get the most out of it.

What is the cat Command?

The cat command is primarily used to read, combine, and create text files. It outputs the contents of a file to the standard output (your terminal screen) by default.

Key Features of cat:

  1. Display the content of files.
  2. Combine multiple files into one.
  3. Create new files and append content to existing ones.

Basic Syntax of the cat Command

The syntax of the cat command is straightforward:

cat [options] <file1> <file2> ...
  • cat: The command itself.
  • [options]: Optional flags to modify its behavior.
  • <file1> <file2>: Files to process (input files).

Getting Started with cat

Let’s start with a simple example.

1. Display File Contents

To display the contents of a file named file.txt on your terminal:

cat file.txt

This prints the entire file to the screen.

Practical Examples of the cat Command

1. Viewing Multiple Files

You can use cat to display the contents of multiple files sequentially. For example:

cat file1.txt file2.txt

This displays the contents of file1.txt followed by file2.txt. If the files are large, consider using less instead for better navigation.

2. Creating a New File

The cat command can also create new text files. To do this, use the redirection operator >:

cat > newfile.txt

When you run this command, the terminal waits for you to input text. Type your content and press Ctrl+D to save and exit.


cat > greetings.txt
Hello, Linux!

This creates a file named greetings.txt containing the text "Hello, Linux!".

3. Appending Content to an Existing File

To add content to an existing file without overwriting it, use the append operator >>:

cat >> greetings.txt

Type the text you want to append and press Ctrl+D to save.


cat >> greetings.txt
How are you today?

Now, greetings.txt contains:

Hello, Linux!
How are you today?

4. Merging Files

Combine multiple files into a single file by redirecting the output to a new file:

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

This creates a new file combined.txt with the contents of file1.txt followed by file2.txt.

5. Display Line Numbers

To view file contents with line numbers, use the -n option:

cat -n file.txt

Example Output:

1  Hello, Linux!
2  How are you today?

6. Suppress Blank Lines

If your file has many blank lines, you can remove them from the output using the -s option:

cat -s file.txt

7. Highlight End of Lines

Use the -E option to display a $ symbol at the end of each line, making it easier to identify trailing spaces:

cat -E file.txt

Example Output:

Hello, Linux!$
How are you today?$

Advanced Usage of cat

1. Combining with Pipes

The cat command works seamlessly with pipes (|) to process file contents further. For example, to count the number of lines in a file:

cat file.txt | wc -l

2. Viewing Binary Files

While not designed for binary files, you can use cat with hexdump to inspect binary data:

cat binaryfile | hexdump -C

Common Options with cat

Here’s a quick reference table for the most useful options:

-nNumber all lines.
-sSqueeze multiple blank lines into a single blank line.
-EDisplay $ at the end of each line.
-TShow tabs as ^I.

When to Use cat vs. Other Commands

While cat is great for simple tasks, consider these alternatives for specific scenarios:

  • Use less for large files to navigate interactively.
  • Use nano or vim for editing files.
  • Use head or tail to view only the first or last few lines of a file.

Practical Use Cases

  1. Quickly Preview Files:

    cat /etc/passwd
  2. Combine Logs:

    cat access.log error.log > combined.log
  3. Create a File with Inline Content:

    cat > todo.txt
    Buy groceries
    Complete Linux blog
  4. Add a Header to a File:

    echo "Header Line" | cat - file.txt > updated_file.txt


The cat command is a simple yet indispensable tool for working with text files in Linux. It allows you to view, create, and combine files efficiently. Mastering its usage can save you time and effort in everyday tasks.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use cat <filename> to view a file.
  • Combine files with cat file1 file2 > newfile.
  • Create and append files using > and >>.
  • Explore options like -n (line numbers) and -E (end of lines).

Practice time

Now it’s your turn to practice! Try using the cat command to manipulate and view files on your system. Experiment with its options and explore how it integrates with other Linux commands.

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Happy Linuxing! 🐧